If an individual has a nursing license in Minnesota, the Minnesota Board of Nursing has the ability to investigate any complaint of a violation of the statutes, rules, or standards governing the nursing license.
The complaint process will vary depending upon the nature and severity of the allegations. In most cases the nurse will not learn of the complaint until receiving a document called “Notice of Conference with Board of Nursing Review Panel.” That document will set forth the specific allegations against the nurse, state the date and time of the conference with the Minnesota Board of Nursing Review Panel, highlight the statutes/rules/standards alleged to have been violated, specify the response required of the nurse, and outline possible outcomes of the conference.
The nurse must read the Notice of Conference with Board of Nursing Review Panel carefully and respond promptly. Most times a detailed response to the allegations will be necessary before the actual conference.
The Minnesota Board of Nursing is represented at the conference by one board member, one registered nurse staff member, and an attorney from the Minnesota Attorney General’s office. The nurse is required to attend, and may bring an attorney to the conference. During the conference, the panel asks questions about the allegations and gathers information regarding the nurse’s practices. At the conclusion of the conference the review panel makes a recommendation for dismissal of the complaint, corrective action, or a proposed stipulation and consent order. If the nurse opposes the corrective action or the proposed stipulation and consent order is not agreed to, the complaint is referred for a contested case hearing before an administrative law judge or the Board of Nursing.
If you have been informed of a complaint against you to the Minnesota Board of Nursing, or received a Notice of Conference with Board of Nursing Review Panel, a consultation with Attorney Andrea B. Niesen will help you determine what your rights and obligations are with regard to your nursing license. Attorney Niesen represents nurses during all phases of the complaint process.